Thursday 26 November 2015


For this blog post, it's not very Christmasy.

For the past weeks, my mind has been revolved around subjects, that are dear to me, and effect me each day.

For some posts I've mentioned:
- unemployment
- dyslexia
- depression
- my Dad
- migraine

With an addition:
- homelessness

Mine was writing.

These things may not seem all that "flattering", but it's dear to me and something that people who would like to hear, should get to know.

I don't know how to, feel confident in talking about them. Or whether it would be worth of me saying. It is a Christmasy time. Positivey comes with it, and happiness.

If you may have any ideas, or tips on how to overcome it, I'll be happy to know this.
Plus, I'm just writing answers at the moment. Just things to feel good about blogging again (extra news).

Take care all,

Also, Happy Thanksgiving (US). May you all have a grand day. 

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