Wednesday 15 March 2017

Lifestyle: "PLOWING ON"

WARNING: May be triggering. Reading risk. Take care to anyone.
Lifestyle: "PLOWING ON"

Apart from the snow happening in US - hi to you, tc (take care), stay safe-, I wanted to share my day.

I had a rough day. Nothing to feel ashamed about, but of course, I felt, and feel stupid.

Today I missed a doctors appointment, I was late. Of course doctors have lives too. They didn't want to see me. So, i felt stupid. I cried, yes. I'm having trouble with time management, vs anxiety.

Lifestyle: "PLOWING ON"

I already found it difficult from the past weeks. It's an emotional time, not that it was expected. Anxiety is heightening, to where I take the chance, at using my own methods.

So, this post is weird. Although, it starts somewhere. The "plowing on" part, is to wait and take care, with what I'm able to do.
Keep moving - I did currently seek help, so gives a little relief. Now... I wait. **calm garden, meditation**.

Take care, and feel free to comment your thoughts. Thank you so much for reading.


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