Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Day 26: Share To Compare

Share: [Link]

* What is Share To Compare?
This is taking an existing design, clothing, etc. and designing your own [link]

In support for campaign, Surprise Further Ed-Gift [link]

Take care, and hope you liked.

If you would like to get involved, feel free to contact or comment. Thank you.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Day 27: Flam-ingo

Part of the May/Jun 2015 (Collection).

Preview: [Video Link]

This post is in support for the Surprise Further Ed-Gift [Link] - Day 27.

Related clothing:
Top [Link]
Shorts [Link]
Dress [Link]

* If I were to do this again, I would love to visit markets and shops.

Take care, plus comment what you liked from this. Thank you.

*Remember: to feel free to join/view the Campaign [Link]

Sunday, 21 June 2015

New Video

Video (Name + Link):
May/Jun Collection: Preview [link]

All Artwork On:

To explain this video, it is a snapshot of my May/Jun 2015 (Collection).

The equipment for May/Jun:

Most worked do well, and some were difficult to draw what I would have wanted to.

Overall, I'm glad that I could use it, to seeing what it could actually do. Especially as a fashion drawing. Super hard, but I loved how the crayon glided easily.

Feel free to view the video, plus artwork. 

If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to comment. Which ever platform suits you.

Take care, and thank you.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

What Is Posting V Projects

For the 'Surprise Further Ed-Gift' campaign/fund [link], I thought I'd do a drawing of what Posting V Projects [link] is about.

Hope you like.
If you have any other suggestions, feel free to comment, or contact [link].

Thank you, and may you take care.

Surprise Further Ed-Gift

Timeline: 30 Days(...eek!)

The surprise is for NCB17 @ YouTube [link]. It's hopefully support for them, and their higher education.

I am blogging this, as a helping hand to share and maybe boost the campaign, specially for them.

May you feel free to share. Plus, feel free to comment any other helpful tips.

Always feel free, to make this campaign amazing.

Thank you for reading (even if it was boring).

But, may you take care.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

MIA: Where Have I Been?

*MIA (Missing In Action) - reminds me of soldiers. Hope they still will be found.

Well, I've been absent. Why...?
By Using AvatarCreator

I got my lower and upper left wisdom teeth removed. Hurrah - dry reaction.

For thoughts who don't know. Within near last year and this year, my lower left wisdom tooth has been giving me trouble.

It got impacted. This means is was growing at a angle/diagonal upwards. Painful...!

So, last Monday was my operation day. Don't worry, however it hasn't settled yet.

The surgery went fine. People were fine. People who also had surgeries on that day were friendly. And the food tasted so good.

Talking food, it's sooo hard to eat. I missed my fav foods. Plus, I missed my toothbrush a lot.
I could hug it.

*Idea: My Food Favs.
Any thoughts?

So, what have I been doing in "recovery mode".

I've been designing. 

I'll be showcasing designs hopefully. This is because from inspiration, and settling a decision.

So, please feel free to say what you would like to see. If I got it, you'll get to see it.

Take care always.

Plus, if you'd like to know before and after my procedure (wisdom teeth removal), I'll gladly do posts on it.

*I've been iffying and butting with this post. Takes the strength out of me (recovery mode still on).

Take care again
P.s - 
* = Inner thoughts/now thoughts

Monday, 1 June 2015

New Update

I have a (online) art journal.

I've just featured the things, that I've been doing these few months, of this year.

Feel free to view. No force.

Take care.

Until next post,
Posting V Projects