Thursday, 26 March 2015

What's On My Mind?

Right now, it's to do a blog post.

For the past days, I've been figuring out things between my work and ideas.
Have I found the answer, thankfully, I have.

*some text have links to other websites*

The answer to my problem, is for my artwork I shall continue to share on deviantart (keelo15). And for my projects (spec-tacular and living, writing + posting) I shall continue to upload on flickr (Neeky_b).

The problem was, I would love to take little snapshots to keep update on my artwork. But I was trying to think where I could share it. Then when it comes to showcasing it, I would do that on deviantart and this blog.
Good idea?

Anyway, that's a little insight on the issue that was really "wrecking" my brain. I wasn't happy doing work all the time and then what to do with it. I wasn't sharing it much, and I was always thinking where could I share, then showcase it.

Thank goodness I found the answer. The last time, I just sat there, got a headache and got ill over it. I can't think much on things anymore.

But no worries, there's always a good solution to everything.


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Abuse Talk + How It Effects Me

Hearing in the news how some people go to the extremes to abuse people, and even ending in death, is a situation to ask why they do it, to what can be done to stop this happening.

Hearing these sort of abuse effects me, because it shouldn't happen in the first place. It's nothing that can be ignored, and it's frustrating that it still happens to this day.

The mind set of abusers, I feel are unstable, but it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be helped.

However, more help would have to go to the person who is and has been abused. It can take a lot to get back up, to the way they would want to be.

To think how much someone can effect and hurt someone so much, is terrifying, mind numbing and frustrating.
Let alone if they come back.

I've read, seen and heard abuse. I've always wanted to find and help a cause that helps victims. Plus, I would like to know if any persons life has changed.

It's a big thing, but it's effective in its own way to say.

Thank you, and I hope you share the same. Feel free to comment your thoughts.

Take care,
Posting V Projects

Saturday, 21 March 2015


From Part 1: The Bullies + You...

Part 2

I reckon, at the age when someone should look up to you, is the time when you should be respectful.

I haven't realised the attitudes of primarily school, go into secondary school, into college and then into university, or work.
If you know why someone does this, feel free to comment.

Some attitudes throughout the years, along with bullies and bulling, should always change. Through older years, you should be shaping your future.

Another other time, going into a school shop, the worker said, 'if they paid attention in school, they could have had a better future'. It could have happened (paraphrase), and I've heard it many times.

It made me feel sorry for them, because I would like to understand, why someone doesn't pay attention, to regret in future. If not, or they do.

So, what would have changed if you did pay attention?
I don't understand why. It's new to discover this.

Anyway, hoped you liked and if you would like to share your thoughts, feel free to always comment on my blog.

Take care,
Posting V Projects

The Bullies, Being Bullied + You...

The Bullies

Something and what people have said, make me realise why there are bullies.

Bullies like breaking people, emotionally, physically and mentally. Whether they don't like the person, or just want to pick on someone. For own personal gain? For an audience? To be popular? It is a question to ask.

There might be someone in their life doing the same. They should try and talk to someone, they trust and know they can trust.
There might be something in their mind, willing to hurt someone. They need to stop, before they hurt yourself. They may not see it now, but it can happen.
They may want to do it in front of their friends for popularity, or something to gain their respect.
It won't last forever. Truthfully.

There's friends, and real friends. The popularity can fade, and then where will they be.
The one's they call friends, go on their own way in the future.
I've seen it, and I know what they're like. The one's they used to know, fading.

It would be good, if they stop bulling others, and help get the best out of themself, no matter what others may say. It can be done, and the result of it, could lead them to other possibilities.

I've been bullied, and nearly became a bully. I followed people I knew and thought it would be a joke, because a book was funny. Realism, it was trouble.
Teachers and people you know and trust help.

Picking on the weak, or thinking something is a joke, goes so far. You get in trouble. Lucky it can be small. Too far, it's mega trouble.
Stop yourself.

For the...


I know how you feel, until the day someone I trusted, helped me. And the person they trusted, helped them, the bullies.

No information, however the reason I stopped getting bullied was the person they trusted, saw them bulling me, and they got in trouble.
From this, it made me realise why they acted that way. But the thing I didn't like, people their own age, bully people too.

When the days went by, and I remember them abusing me again, vocally, I just stopped, walked and I went straight to the teacher. It's not a 'chicken move', it's a 'why again?' move. Anyway, they stopped, but the 'evil eyes' look was there.
I didn't care, because we were doing something simple, and I wasn't doing anything wrong, so it had to stop. It made me upset, and them more vulgar to criticise...?
Not something for anyone.

If the bulling happened outside school, I was lucky there were loads of people I could trust, and they would help me. Which I am greatful for.
If it's outside school for you, is there anyone you can trust? Anywhere you can go to? Any other people you know who could help you?

Although, I see different kinds of bulling these days, recently and before, I was getting silently and comment bulling. Support online, and knowing what bulling was like, helped me get through and I used and use, ignoring (and deleting) nowadays.

The ones that help these days, are reporting and telling the ones who will help. Now it is by law, that person can get in trouble.

So, for my online support, I was thankful. I deleted it and this was years ago. I thought, it didn't go with what my space (MSN) was about.

For the past years of bulling, I realised one was just alone, and had troubles of there own. They bullied everyone. Through little years later, they got help, and now they're settled. I'm proud of them, and happy people supported them. Plus, I excepted the change.

Silent bulling, is when you can hear the person talking about you, but you can't do nothing about it, (is it correct, for 'nothing'?).
For my case, because I was bullied, I didn't see it as anything because they're doing it for and with other people. And the other was, they're old enough, so they should know better.

Maybe the are some factors of getting bullied, or what they see others do. To be good, isn't a bad thing. To be good, is to allow yourself to do good.

Rant over.
Part 2: Attention!

Posting V Projects

The reason to blog:

Joe Weller

Video for the help, and the excess criticism.

*may not have suitable language*

Take care.

Friday, 20 March 2015

The UK Eclipse

In the UK, there was an eclipse.
This happens when the moon, passes over the sun, and on Earth, this casts a shadow.

This happened in the morning, and some of the country went pitch black.

From where I was, I saw it and it looked good. But mostly amazing. It didn't go pitch dark, however the place didn't look normal and honestly, I nearly forgot it was going to happen.

The last time it happened, said on the news, it was 1999. I remember seeing it, due to the place I was there then. It was amazing then, as it was today. Wow, TODAY it happened to think of. It's mind blowing, although it takes time to stay there and watch.

I don't know whether I did it correctly, but I managed to take photos from a make shift 'telescope'.

First Test

On the news also, they said the next one is in the US and they gave an idea too, for a trip to go see it (if you can't wait for it to come back in the UK again). 
I think it's a really good idea truly.

Second Test
Result: I found both ways were correct. I was glad.

Take care, and hope you liked the photos. I tried.

Posting V Projects

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Post Of The Day After...

I was planning a post for tomorrow, failed to schedule it today.

However, I'm learning to share when things don't go to plan. And this let's you know this too.

Plus, I thought of blogging when I could. Sometimes I forget my own free time.

So, the post I was planning was called 'Movies OSTs', but it didn't go to plan, because I was thinking, 'This doesn't explain what music I listen too' and it made my mind over think.

I thought of other music I listen to and the links I could feature with the post.

So, no worries. I'll try again tomorrow and explain what I would like to plan. If it makes sense...?


Take care.
Posting V Projects


(Started from: 21/12/2014)

*may not be suitable for everyone

1. With Or Without You
By Sophie Kinsella
Got me straight back into to reading. Some cringe parts, but loved the story.

2. Sundowners
By Lesley Lokko
No spoiler, but one part nearly made me cry....

3. The Hunger Games
By Suzanna Collins
As for the movie, the book got me hooked.

4. Twilight Saga
By Stephenie Meyer
Author = genius!
(Thought this would be the first listed...).

5. Scarlet Feather
By Maeve Binchy
This book was straight forward, plus it's a short story.


6. Divergent
By Veronica Roth
Recently read and it's super unique. Love it and it really opened my eyes more to life and future really. No spoilers. Plus, the movie(s) 'avoid' the story. I find it creative. Whole-slightly-new-visual/story.

7. Uglies
By Scott Westerfeld
Based before The Hunger Games, this book has so much uniqueness it made my mind go into daydream + imagery mode. Good read.... No spoiler, *could cry now remembering it...*

*some of these have my opinion.

Take care

Posting Out V....

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Top 3 Videos...

Started blog post from: (28/02/2015)

March: Week 1....

There's no links to the videos I watched, from that week...?! Tut.

However, the one's I'm interested in are:
- Tomodachi Life
- Sims 4
- Vine (something, where all viners - new word...? - are featured in the video).
- vlogs

* should have said let's plays, but some.... I WOULDN'T STEP UP TO WATCH! I don't mind the back story though. Hmm....

So, these are my favourites now. I guess. No matter what I'm trying to say, I love watching them because they're so different, (and a wish if I could do).

So, take care readers and viewers.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Keep Updated

*a few linked text

on tumblr

A few ways to keep updated with this blog, and the latest things.

Take care and feel free to follow this blog.

Them Times

(From 07/02/2015)

I have a few things to blog about...

1. From 400+ to 600+ viewers, within a month *shocked face*. I'm so thankful to you viewers and readers. You're super awesome. Love out all for yous. *sneaky...share it out, comment and follow. Ha!

2. Lists and lists of things come into my head, but may not make it on to this blog. It depends on internet access and whether I have a book to hand. It helps.

3. I truly miss reading blogs people. I read in my own time and these days, like every new years, goes so fast.

4. I'm in the process of getting things sorted. Mainly my health, as I've said previous. New readers, I'm having toothaches (wisdom tooth), battling headaches (migraines) and I have depression. Yes, 'mental' but illness as they say.

5. Update, goes with the one before this. My wisdom tooth is growing at an angle, so it causes me pain. However, this tooth is damaging the tooth in front of it. Gruesome, hey...? So, serious a side I'm preparing myself with help and support for other pain to come.
I'll keep you all updated.

So, for more please feel free comment, or look at followers to communities, and I hope you all enjoy your days.

Take care,
Posting V Projects

p.s. - recent update: Feel free to view. (It's of the dA print shop). Bies for now.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Blog List...

This is the additional blog to: Back Log...

These are the back log of blog posts:

* Top 3 Videos... (28/02/2015)
* Introduction to the Projects (21/02/2015)
* Top 3 Favourites (21/02/2015)
* Liebster Award (21/02/2015)
* Them Times (07/02/2015)
* keelo15's Art (29/01/2015)
* xImmortalMindsx Videos (27/01/2015)
* The N. Dylans + Co Diagram (Yesterday)
* 400+ Views + What Is Going On...? (22/01/2015)
* TMI Tag (17/01/2015)
* Craft: Jewellery (14/01/2015)
* Coming Back (13/01/2015)
* Keep Updated (09/01/2015)
* More... (09/01/2015)
* Virtual (08/01/2015)
* My Mind Isn't With The New Year (08/01/2015)
* My Selection Of The Collection (03/01/2015)
* Why (29/12/2014)
* Books (21/12/2014)
* Back Log... (Yesterday)
* The Blog List (Yesterday)

- "For every bad mind, there is a good mind. Take care to manage your own"...

If you would like details for a blog post, feel free to comment about it. I really don't mind at all.

Thank you for reading,
Take care.

P.s. - I wanted to share the list, for you to get a idea for the types of things that come to my mind.
I may not feel it's interesting, but it's a start for something.

Back Log...

Sat 14th Mar 2015 (Update)...

Hopefully, I'll be doing updates, which shall be a review of things for this blog.

For now, I looked at the blogs posts not shown and it goes back to the end of last year.

We're in the third month of this year.

Will I be posting them soon...?
I tried posting each day at 10am, but I couldn't keep up with them.
This is because they weren't finished, and I would have to add something to them. 

Most of the time, they wouldn't work they way I wanted, so it would go over working time.

Then there was times, I couldn't edit them or add anything, because it kept not responding to what I wanted to do. These times, right...?

I find an disadvantage and advantage when these moment happen.

The disadvantage...
1. It creates a back log of blog posts, that I may not see (like now) for three months *small laugh*. You see...?

2. It may not go in time with what I truly would like to showcase. So, it may jumble it a bit, and when I look back at them, I will get confused. Bad times.

An advantage...
1. More creative ideas. So, I see this at times, when I may not have an idea on what to post.

2. A look back of what I have that can be showcased. I look at what I have. Then it makes it even more fun, to share with you.

I share what I have for the viewers and readers, to allow things to be read or seen. It's a part of starting a blog for me.

Freedom in a way, of your own little space. If you understand, it's alright if it's not. We learn something new each day.

So, I took a breather and, I shall post them when things work and to how I would enjoy them, to allow you to enjoy them with me too.

Anyway, back log post over.

Take care,
P.s - always feel free to share your blog, comment and follow this blog.

Additional Blog: The Blog List...

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Other Blogs...

Something to share.

My blog list.
This shall feature the blogs I would have wanted to do, or have done before this blog. I would love to show you the difference and maybe, the creations of the blogs I made.

They were all made around a year a go, so they may have or may have not been 'lifted' from the ground.

I still to this day continue the features, because they are projects I am currently doing. But to share what have as private to public (they were public for a little while), is another step for showcasing my projects to you, the viewers and readers.

May you enjoy them, and here are the links:
Artist Blog, aka N. Dylan's + Co

T-shirts blog, aka the tshirt club

Spec-tacular Blog, aka Spec-tacular

Diary entries, aka Living, Writing + Posting

Designs blog, aka Outfits For One

Main blog (at the time), aka Spec-tacular + Co

*all of these names and imagery for the projects, were made up in 2012-2013 by myself and others. Plus, using the platform Blogger.

With a thought, I couldn't keep updated with all of them due to going to the library and under estimated time limits. However, I do wish to continue them as a project feature for this blog.

Feel free to tell me your thoughts on them.

Take care,
Posting V Projects

P.s - for each project, there shall feature a little intro or link where the information can be found (hopefully all of them have one, written or on it's blog). So, for now just links. Enjoy!

Thinking Of Featuring A Short Video...

In future, I would love to do collaborations.

With this, I would love to showcase others work. Plus, do an artwork along with them whether they tell me a subject or we share our work between ourselves.

Otherwise, I've always wanted to do a fashion show, with my old school and community.

All my fear go into being shy and thinking whether my planning would be effective. Also along with my health. 

If there was ever a solution, I would want someone to help me at every step. It would take time, but with the same passion comes determination.

For now, I do showcase my designs even if it takes a while. However, I see so much great start and actual designers which I am so happy to see, plus share with them.

The world can be a big place, but a small amount to know there are others, who share the same desire as you. It's just an aim, filling experience.

Anyway, I don't know for sure how collaborations on artwork goes. Although, if I were able to do my own collaborations, it would be as a subject form. Also, for now, when people ask to design things for them, from their preference I start with a design.

After I showcase this, whether it's right or wrong (it always needs a tweak). This can take many times, until there's the final work. 
And the design is complete.

I don't know what I'm trying to say, but designing for others and my own to showcase, is a thrilling process to go through.

If you want to be a designer, or any future profession, then I would say build up to it. Whether big or small.

Good ways.

Take care anyway,

Friday, 13 March 2015

Stale Brain...

...Rediscovering something new.

One: the idea is there, but it feel like it could be better.

Two: researching/searching for something to make it better.

Three: the missing piece is found, and a new passion is found for the idea.

Having these sort of times, is another boost for regrowth.

Thankful enough for the creativity. I had this today, now yo rediscover for myself.

Take Care.

Posting V Projects

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Losing Myself...

Twice today, I tried to doing my work, but my headache and willing to do anything, got stopped by my mentally.

I have a problem where, if I start thinking of ways around something, I get a headache. Even when I still can't understand what ever it may be.
It's concentration and focus that I can struggle with.

Mentally on top of that, overshadows my thoughts and I feel like "I may lose it".
With this, if I don't stop what I'm trying to do I start to cry, gwt frustrated and may feel hopeless at times. Plus, trying to take a breath.
Sometimes my breathing is horrible, because I know my panic or anxiety is coming up.

Although, I don't know the difference of public work and my own work, but they get so different (sometimes reversed) in many ways. With publicly working, I do my work fine to enjoy and try my hardest. With my work, I get effected and it could be something simple I'm doing. It's confusing to think why it happens.

I can say I was willing (after 10am - trying to keep up with my blog), to do a post of 'Spec-tacular' - a early post, then after 5pm because I haven't posted it in a while. However, my mind couldn't get around setting it up and my head, was becoming less manageable to deal with.

I stopped at this, and chilled for a while. Until now, I was willing - after 5pm... - same thing happened. My mind is so fuzzy, and to include, my headaches make me dizzy and unbalanced.

So, I do this post instead from what I wanted to do. Guess it's not a bail out to my blog. I really love updating it and sharing with anyone who views or reads it.

I could give up on that sort of blogging (feature blogs), but I would like to share what I would have done.

If anything, the feature is up on, which is my artist page (I'm really struggling to "tap" these words...).

But, I always feel bad after when it's my work or any work at all, that I can't do straight away.

Through this, the doctor knows my symptoms, and it's a thing to try and get through what I can. Plus, they said and I found out, it's a common problem to have this sort of health.

I don't know what else I wanted to say, or include, but I always want to keep things posted. What ever reason.

Sharing lifestyle things, may just help with so many cases to one thing.

Take care readers + viewers,
Thank you.
Still the greatest that I can say, through helpful times.

...sorry for the random schedule.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Selection Of The Collection: Dresses 2015

Everything5pounds - 24/02/2015

Check Insert
The panels on this dress is unique. I love the shapes.

Urban Outfitters - 24/02/2015

...Midi Dress
Although I know this was a trend, this dress looks goodly simple and the fade ribbed material looks wearable and shows off enough body parts.

Vera Wang - 24/02/2015

Featured: Oprah Winfrey custom dress...
These newsletters explain so much and is very clear of her work. Plus, I love the few photos and how interactive the articles are.

*these companies are not sponsored to this blog.

Take care readers,

Blog. Log. What?!

This blog feels like a blog, which I've always wanted to do and feel good in doing.

Am I feeling good...?

Because I'm sharing with people my thoughts, no matter what it may be. No bad times with that. Yet....

So, for future posts, I guess I'll do lifestyle (whatever it is these days), like I said too designs and inspirations. Plus, my favourites as you may have viewed from the 'selection of the collection' blog posts.

And a feature to come, has to be 'living, writing + posting' posts, where I share with you some things I've written in my books over time. Ever since during and leaving primary school to be truthful. May be coming in April after Spec-tacular and my posting habits have gone out the window.

I do hope I can do this. So, I've also been thinking to do monthly updates of each project. (Yes! Finally project mentions).
My projects are:
- Artist
- t-shirts
- and many more
(Basically I can't be asked to remember them all, because they've been shared already. However, never been officially introduced.... One year, and no intro is very not me).

Although for the month sets, I shall continue to keep updated.

My days, idea of Mothers day came to mind. Then by then it's father's day. Joke and say I don't have a father anymore to share it, but I will celebrate that I had one.

Nice, nice.

Anyway, ending blog entry.
Take care,

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Job Searches + Troubles...?

As you do each week (hopefully), you start your search for a job. Easy, right...?

Not always....
Example: when I start searching, I need to consider distance, whether I can get there and if the work environment is OK.

This is because I get travel sickness, and if you're a reader, you know my health. If not, I suffer from severe migraines. (Plus, mentally, depression which I have, may not effect working environments so much. You have to be honest with your employers, or they may not be able to help you).

With this, an experience I've learnt with interviews and from a temp job, was the distance was OK. I could take the bus or taxi. 
My employers knew my condition and when the time came, they were so, so very supportive. 
Also I had days when I could have gotten sick on the bus, but due to distance and fresh air during walks, I was fine to carry on with them days.

For some jobs, it considers travel. Yeah take medication and what not, but for many days, no.

I love travelling, which is weird. But having travel sickness stops that.
What I do in them times, I look at the things around me. If I can't make it to the place I would love to go, books and looking at anything relating to the same thing, helps. It allows me to view and use what I couldn't have thought of "in a million years" (and makes me less sad of accomplishment, to travel to that destination).

I'm always thankful for anyone, or anything that helps me do things and give me ideas.

For job searches, I'll have to limit and use things, I would like to aim to.

Where's the sharing also...
This is sharing for now what is on my mind, and years of what I deal with. However, I feel it doesn't stop me from what I would like to do.

Mixture blog entry.

For anyone who needs help with job searches, my hint(s) is to:
- get an email address (libraries help)
- get newsletters from job search websites + companies
- check each week
Good job sites update each week with the latest
- look at (sounds weird) company windows whether they have vacancies
- some companies have online applications

Every job is there, it depends on where you look.

Posting V Projects signing off...
Take care, and feel free to stay in touch. Plus, feel free to view the latest blog entries.


P.s - a part time job is my all time search. I could cry.... (Due to wanting to do full time work). Although, never mind. Life choices and body conditions can effect that. Enjoy reading!

Saturday, 7 March 2015

My Selection Of The Collection: One Stop Likes

Saw this image, and had to check out the website. have items with a bold print, popular but adding it to the least items with prints, make it different.
Plus, I loved they're colourful bags. It's playful.

Clothing, by Michelle Keegan

I know she's an actress, but I've not watched any episodes she's from or in. My bad. However, I know she does clothing, which are stunning. I viewed the Summer outfits she's done with They look unique and vibrant.
I espeically love the textured flower print skirt (which has a top), which I wasn't able to show. Fair enough., their lastest is a dungaree clothing which I liked. It's a cloth material, and looked like it could be worn casually or on Summer outings.
With this too, there's some heels with a animal print and I like the colour green they used for it.
These items I wasn't able to show either.


*These shops are not sponsored to this blog. Hope you will feel free to love and view their items.

Take care,
Last Update: Sat 7th March 2015

Friday, 6 March 2015

Future Toothaches + Worries

Heys, and long time. No blog post.

I've been setting up things and nearly to edit things. All I can say, watch this space.

For now, if you have any blogs feel free to say in the comments or contact for anything you would like to view on this blog.

Spec-tacular shall be continuing, plus with some other things too. As before, need to edit.

So, the future toothache is my wisdom tooth is going to damage my other teeth. Appointments are to be set so, good luck with this one.

Other things, I've not been thinking clearly and getting back into it gradually. Still proud of the things can I show and do in the time I can do. Hint, health is bad nowadays.

Feel free to view around the/my(...?) blog for now. If you've seen a lot, be sure to view the other things that are linked with this blog.

Thank you readers and viewers.
Take care,

Posting V Projects

P.s - also, if you would like me to post what I'm currently doing or like to know what's upcoming and so, feel free to say in the comments also.

More interactions. More things that could be shared.