Monday, 29 December 2014

Thank You

This blog has been running for under a month I guess, and 100 views is mega great already.

Thank You + Keep Viewing For More Updates.
You're totally great!

My Character 'Gloom .x' had the face for my reaction.
(My artist site)

Enjoy Reading + Take Care.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Proud Of Upcoming Talents

Seeing in today's life, there is so much to view and so much sights to take in.

Nowadays, exploring new talent and being open - whether it be social media or out and about - new talent of young and elderly are coming out.

May you have the courage to showcase, be proud + go beyond expectations (what you may have thought would happen, goes more goodly of what you thought).

Enjoy your work.
Enjoy your free time.
And enjoy the good things you may do.

Take care. And keep reading.


Search Word(s):
- Talent
- Courage + smile

In The...

(folder gallery by keelo15)

Done Using:
'Drawing Panel'
(software - LG Electronics)

Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Is Not Dead.

With the development of new technology, is can be hard to keep up (why would you want to...?).

By this, it means Spec-tacular, -  I call it Pr4 (Project 4) - it could either enter into the 21st century, of now. Or, it could go back to square one...being an illustrated magazine/leaflet.

Sets to reveal from now.

"coming from a far"
By NB2

Upcoming, hopefully will be the new year posts due to Christmas being near next week. (Bad of me not to showcase what was made in the months).

It would be a blessing, possibly to show you all collection. However there's an image somewhere so never fear, OK?
(Image above)

If you would like more posts for designs, selections of the collection or just blog posts, maybe even suggestions...?

Your feedback is very much appreciated.

So thank you, and feel free to view more soon.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

My Selection Of The Collection

Favourite Updates

If it's not for their artwork, it's for their forms of words and hard work they put into what they do.
Feel free to take a look at them.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

A Love...

For creating avatars.
These were my top 3 makes.
I used MAC Deluxe Lite.
*(previoisly seen on

More on:

Friday, 12 December 2014

YouTube Addic-tor + Creativity

Ever since going to the library and using what they have, I've been viewing what they have on YouTube and getting updates on many things I like.

Nowadays I'm getting into YouTube and it's the first thing I go onto just to relax or willing to watch or do something in my free time.

If anything, favourites on my auto share for YouTube go onto my twitter page: @Pukka01,
 so you'll be able to see what I watch.

As this is the "first" post after the 'Welcome!' post, it should have been an intro to all the posts and projects I've been doing.

(I wanted to do this one, ssh....)

They'll be coming pretty soon.
All set now, now just imagery.

You'll be able to see what imagery I am posting, by viewing them on:

*Some art on there are copyright protected, so please ask the artist firstly for use.

This is going to be an all rounder start, so bare with me.

First thing...changing the view of my blog due to customizing I love to do. And since as this blog is an 'open all access', you will in time, get to see the crafts I also do

*craft artwork, doesn't have a name yet. Feel free to give an all-rounder unique name for this if so.

Few examples are on:

(My favourite graphic I have done is, 

*artist name(s) keelo15/NeeksNeeks/N. Dylan's + Co. It's hard to change the names....

For Tips:
By viewing names, either on search engines or out on your whereabouts, you will get to see whether the names have already been used.


In future, I may sell the names. But for now, we'll see with them and what all this could achieve.

By stevemcqueen237

*If you would like to help create these projects or posts into a reality, please feel free to contact:

Take care and enjoy,



This is a new blog upcoming from combinations of:


If you viewed them, thanks so much.

You made blogging worthwhile.

May you view this blog the same way. And, this is where another joinery begins.

Thank you for the before viewers + the new one's I am willing to make in future...?

Take care, enjoy and may you come back for more blog posts soon.

Posting V Projects