1. Favourite Disney Film?
Emperor's New Groove
2. Favourite Disney Character?
3. Favourite Disney Princess?
5. Favourite Disney Song?
The Bare Necessities
6. Which Disney character would be your best friend?
Tiana or Calcifier
7. Who would be your Disney pet?
Lucky or Perdita
8. Have you ever been to Disneyland?
9. Who is your Disney Alter Ego?
Lilo...her attitude. Lollz.
The Bare Necessities
6. Which Disney character would be your best friend?
Tiana or Calcifier
7. Who would be your Disney pet?
Lucky or Perdita
8. Have you ever been to Disneyland?
9. Who is your Disney Alter Ego?
Lilo...her attitude. Lollz.
"Lucify!" (Lucifer)
11. Do you collect anything Disney wise?
I like Minnie Mouse things
12. What Disney film would you star in if you could?
I had to look: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=disney+films&oq=disney+films&aqs=chrome..69i57j5j0l2.6196j0j4&client=ms-android-alcatel&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#mie=g%2C%2Cdisney%20films%2CH4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLQz9U3sEwyLlOCs7Q0M8qt9JPzc3JSk0sy8_P0C4ryU0rBzPjk_NyCxLzM1GKrtMyc3OJHjAncAi9_3BOWCp-05uQ1xkAu4vUKqXCxueaVZJZUCklx8UjBrddgkOLigvN4AFrgdz6kAAAA
13. How old were you when you watched your first Disney film?
Really young. Like 5 or 7 I guess.
14. What do you love about Disney?
That it's fun and simple.
15. Who is your favourite Disney couple?
Belle And "The Beast"
Seen at: - http://anotherrantingreader.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/disney.html?m=1
I answered these questions backwards. Just the note thing was being annoying. Ha.
Take care, hope you liked.
I love Perdita!
ReplyDeleteJemima x
Awesome :D