I haven't blogged since Friday, and throughout this month which is a shame for me, lolls.
I haven't blogged much because apart from online, there is not that much Christmas spirit going on.
I thought I would talk about the things that are just making this month dull, unmotivated, and just a drag...but no, I want to choose 'happy'. I want to be happy, I want to feel happy, I want to bring happiness right now.
I feel as though as some may agree, or it may not be realised (even I didn't), that we need a little escape sometimes. We need to not think of the things that may be bringing us down, and really, makes some of our minds frustrated. Am I on the right lines?
Over the past weeks, to now, I've noticed I just want a little happy right now. It's the Christmas season, lighten up.
I've never known a Christmas to be so down and deary, that I can't even smile at anyone, and loads of people are more arguing then greeting. What's going on? Doesn't this time of year mean anything anymore?
I might have to cut some of this blog out, I could go on a rant for the world.
Anyway, I'm saying to relax. We need this, we all do. Christmas is here, welcome it. I'm saying through my mental illness. Please!!!!! WE JUST NEED HAPPY right now. Lolls.
Music Thought:
White Christmas - White Christmas (movie).
I've not watched it, but I love this song and, I've been thinking of it for the past two days I guess.
Love you all. And take care,