Friday, 27 November 2015


Recent Vid: [On My YT (YouTube) Channel]

Yesterday I showcased/talked about the things that have been on my mind, that I would like to chat about.

To let you know, I am unemployed. This is mostly, due to my health problems I do have. These are migraine and mental health, and sometimes dyslexia (I do forget this one/too much information that I don't understand honestly, I try always).

This effects the way I work, to looking for a job. For them who don't know, I love work a lot. It's something to do in my opinion. I love helping others and bringing a smile and other peoples' faces.

So, to be unemployed is a struggle for me in general, but I'm no stranger to it, and I can't help it either.
To think on the other side, I am ashamed to be it, my opinion.
But on the other hand, I feel blessed, and its not my fault. It's true that these things can't be helped.

I feel ashamed, because I thought I would be working by now, I would work up to manager status. I'm inspired mostly by people around me, and people going to work. I admire them a lot.
I've had migraines since I was a teenager, and it rapidly went down hill from there. I'll explain what my health does to me, in another post. There's two forms of migraine that is explained all over the place, if you'd like to find out the information.

My Steampunk Catwalk

For now, I try to showcase what I love, which is designing. Mostly fashion. I love it to high heaven - God blessing.

If I wasn't in this position, it would have been easier to study at uni, I would continue to contact people and just do all I can to get my work showcased.

I know I'm a real hard worker to say so, (and jack-of-all-trades, lolls).
Anyway, hopefully that's all I wanted to say, and I do hope it doesn't sound as bad, or be a little insight to my background in a way. Away from the screen I guess.

It's not all bad most days, and I still smile through my worries. It does take time, but I'll allow that time to go by without worries building up.

Some people think I have "too much time on my hands". If they were in my shoes, they'll think again. Most of it is spent nursing my health.
If I could, I would be out there, using all I can, resources, people who can help me, libraries, etc. to get back into work. This is my opinion, and actions I would personally take.

No worries.

Take care, and hope this is understandable. Thank you for reading,

Thursday, 26 November 2015


For this blog post, it's not very Christmasy.

For the past weeks, my mind has been revolved around subjects, that are dear to me, and effect me each day.

For some posts I've mentioned:
- unemployment
- dyslexia
- depression
- my Dad
- migraine

With an addition:
- homelessness

Mine was writing.

These things may not seem all that "flattering", but it's dear to me and something that people who would like to hear, should get to know.

I don't know how to, feel confident in talking about them. Or whether it would be worth of me saying. It is a Christmasy time. Positivey comes with it, and happiness.

If you may have any ideas, or tips on how to overcome it, I'll be happy to know this.
Plus, I'm just writing answers at the moment. Just things to feel good about blogging again (extra news).

Take care all,

Also, Happy Thanksgiving (US). May you all have a grand day. 

Sunday, 22 November 2015


So, we have a fast paced do you choose to slow down?

In my case, I had to.
To advise others it would be, the days you have off, be sure to go nowhere near work. I don't know how to stress this enough.

From my experience, I always broke down. When there was a lot of things to do, what I thought, no matter what I planned, I just couldn't go long enough, without something "snapping" in my brain.

What I realised, I HAD to relax, I HAD to take my mind off things, I HAD to stop. It effected me that greatly. So, work wise, them two days or more you're meant to have off, it's time to:

- allow your mind and body to function correctly
- allow your body to rest
- allow you to settle your mind before it starts work again

If you don't, expect in days, weeks, or years time, there will be no true function of yourself, like you have now.
It may not be believed right now, but it does happen.

Take your time, when you need to.
Seeing others going "full blast"? Take time to know what's best for you, and if you have responsibilities.
Sounds cheesy, but remember "The Tortoise and The Hare"...use that as reference, if you would like to see the truth/moral, of not "competing"/or following, etc. others.

I don't know how we manage to lose this in our lives, to relax and take time when needed. Imagine if we didn't have holidays, we would all be walking statues, haha.

It is true, sorry.
Be happy with what you do, and true, to always TRY your best.
Things can't always be perfect.

Thank you,

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


The lovely Lillie, from did this tag [post link]. Originally viewed on Meredith Foster [vid link].

So, reading the words "'ve been tagged", I would lovingly do this tag too. Plus, it is fall/Autumn.

Here are my answers to the questions:

1) Favourite Fall Lip Colour?
If I could wear lipstick (allergy), it would be a dark colour or near my own lip colour.

2) Favourite Fall Nail Polish?
I would love a deep green. I'm loving shades of green atm.
Example: [image link]

3) Favourite Fall Starbucks Drink?
I've never been to Starbucks, but if I went there, I would get a hot chocolate.

4) Favourite Fall Candle?
I love Winter berry.

5) Favourite Fall Scarf, or Accessory?
It would be scarf. I love the ones' from AVON [link]

6) Haunted House, Haunted Hay Ride, or Haunted Corn Maze?
First one, I love my sleep. Second one, what is that? And third one, I hate being in a maze.

7) Favourite Halloween Movie?
I remember this olden time, vampire movie. I don't remember what it's called, but olden thriller movies are more for me.

8) Favourite Candy to Eat on Halloween?
I would love to try Poundland/Sainsbury's eyeball candy (chocolate), and new ASDA cakes/icing cookies (bake) - Halloween is gone, but ASDA did a magazine this month :).

9) What Are You Dressing Up For This Halloween?
I couldn't dress up, but I would have dressed up in Pastels.

10) What Is Your Favourite Thing About Fall?
Seeing the Autumn leaves. They're so vibrant.

If you would love to try this tag, I would love to view your answers.

Take care all, and enjoy the season.
- xImmortalMindsx

Latest Updates:
- Recent: New Video - 'In The Autumn Weather' [vid link]
- Fashion: TU Clothing, by Sainsbury's
Top 3 Boots: Fur Lined [link], Fur Trim [link] + Slouch [link]

Monday, 9 November 2015

DEAR: The Homeless In The Rain

To the homeless. We do not know you.
Where you've been, to the things you've seen. Where you've come from, but yet it rains on you.

The cold weather, we as you, need a place to go.
But where are these places, we only know.

If I could help you, I would. My life is not my own too.
I can never know all the things they went through, to this day.

I see the development around you,
The places that could be yours,
But for what?
Register? No help? Abandonment?
No, we're here to forget the less fortunate, but realism is there when we see it.

In the big city, no help from some.
In little towns, no help from some.
There are places to help you, but only willing are the one's who can, and want to help you.

I do my best for the less fortunate, from the time of seeing the homeless from childhood.
Learning about the good samaritan, to some of the rich helping to supporting a cause.

Take care for them all, I do hope one day all this will change. For them is a start at least.

The writing for the homeless, I hear. I help. I pray. All. For. You.

- xImmortalMindsx

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Health: Autumn Worries

For this Autumn, it doesn't know whether to be warm or cold.

Migraine Trouble:
I'm finding this difficult, because the warmth can cause my migraine to be bad. And the cold, if it is too much, allows me to do a "auto-shiver", not the natural shiver, and this can cause a migraine too.

"Auto-Shiver": No worries. I've had the "auto-shiver" since I was young.
To explain it, the cold gets to my spine then builds up, until you feel cold all over. However, this then spreads in the first point of the coldness, my spine, then I shiver, once for now, which I can't control. 

Now that I'm an adult, it feels like it has got bigger in a way. It can be difficult due to my brain. I can feel it jiggle it, but I've just learnt to except it. I don't know what it is, or if anyone else has it too.

Heat Rash No-No:
The other worry, is I can get heat rash. This also can happen mostly in the Summer. Since last year, I've noticed the changes in Autumn and Winter - I don't see it as bad, but it's interesting - and I've noticed my rashes form now, in the Autumn and Winter too.

Heat Rash: To explain heat rashes, when I was young, I did get diagnosed by the Doctor. Heat rash forms when in places on the body, may heat up too much. This allows a rash, like little bumps, or skin collected lines, into big or little circle lumps.

They are treatable, but I notice some clothes can not be worn in that time. To say, I miss tights, but now, I'm 1) not allergic anymore and 2) I can't wear tights, even leggings, etc. for a long time.
All my clothes has to be airy, non-skin-clingy, and if I wear touched-skin-clothes, it can only be for a short time too.

Not bad, but love airy clothing.

Anyway, these are my worries.
These seem like the other side of how Autumn and Winter, can be less enjoyable for me.

Although, I love what Autumn and Winter brings, and I love the little things that come with it each year.

Take care,

Friday, 6 November 2015

Autumn/Winter: Collectives

Post inspired by:, Fashion and Beauty: My Autumn Essentials [link]

* Unfortunately, I wasn't able to link some of the shops, and a few products. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I love to buy my accessories at Matalan, Peacocks, or any street markets. They're  so warm and exactly something to fight off the cold.

Also: Umbrella. I would recommend Peacocks and AVON.
Links: Matalan, Peacocks, AVON

Candle: ASDA - George Home Sugared BlackBerry Scented Maxi Tealights [link] -
ASDA candles are the most likeable buys if you're looking for scented candles. The way they package them, allow you to smell each scent before a purchase (instore). Plus, they had a bigger version before of this scent (don't know about now).
Other Note:
I love their mini Christmas collection they have now. They amaze me each year. Well done ASDA.
Future Buys: Home Bargains
More Shops: AVON

Links: AVON, ASDA, Home Bargains

Lip Balm/Vaseline:
These could be available at your local pharmacy, supermarkets, etc. They're good for moisture and keeping chapped lips away from the cold. I've used it for years (Vaseline), but to have them available in mini tin size (they sold, and still sell them as big tubs), is handy.
The lip balm I wish I could have continued to use (allergy) was Nivea. It was moist, and easy to apply.

Links: Vaseline, Nivea - Lip Care

Shower Gel/Handwash: Senses Mood Therapy Revitalising Shower Gel [link] -
It is truly revitalising. Although I can not use this product also (allergy), it smells so good. Plus, their hand wash (fine with using this) is really nice in scent too.

Links: AVON

PJs (Pyjamas)!: 
I mostly get or as gifts, from Matalan, AVON or Studio. They're very comfortable and keep the warmth for days. I love 24Studio's pyjamas because they do some of them as sets. Example: tops, vests, shorts, etc.
Extra Items:
Invest in slippers, or slipper boots (I call them that, lolls). They're warm and super comfy.
Links: Matalan, 24Studio + AVON

Thank you for checking out my collectives, or favourites. 

Take care,

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

TBH, Honesty + Self-Esteem

I was writing earlier in the morning, looking through, that the past to now, realising I've never had a good self-esteem.

To be honest (tbh), it makes me feel less proud of myself and what I do. There are others who try to encourage me now, but I'm always going to have less hope it will stick around. I'm really thankful for these people. They take the time to do that, even when I don't know their doing that. Surprises huh?

However, honestly I enjoy what I do. It feels like a defiance agaisnt my low self-esteem. It doesn't boost my confidence, but it helps to keep going with what I truly love to do, and what I would like to do.

It is true as they say that bad students get more attention than behaving ones.
Although, the first time I ever got praised, in sixth form, was an eye opener, because I felt shy and saying in my head "noooo", but actually from what I did, it felt good to still do what I do at the time, to now

I still to this day, don't know what drives me forward to do anything at most, but I get that little crack in my heart, and allow it to flourish, as much as it possibly can. I'm no motivator, wouldn't be at most. I would just like to share stories, or anything that may come to mind, just to be there to show the struggles, and triumphants of my time, that I get.

It shall be my birthday in 2days. I never like to say my age, but I say I'm in my twenties, but no way near 30s, no offence.
It shall be Bonfire Night too, and I'm behind on keeping a promise to showcase a Bonfire Night dedication.

I've not been getting good sleep, but either way, I'm not waking up just to get tea. I know there's something wrong with me, and my motivations are just gone.

I'll take the time to talk what is happening on the 5th Nov, otherwise I say I'm nervous, and I honestly feel like I've failed from last year. Not good. Although, I say I'm trying.
Sorry for the downer if you read this, it was just for my own good, beats crying over things in my mind. Needs to break free sort of thing.

Take care always,

Monday, 2 November 2015

Health + Lifestyle: When Your Insides Feel Bad V Long Comments

Long Comments:
I'm one to leave long comments. When it relates, or my mind has a lot to say, so I'll say it here now. Sorrys guys'.


When Your Insides Feel Bad:
I'm thinking of them times, when things may effect you. Could be psychically, but I mean more mentally and emotionally.
I just commented (if someone I know reads this), of how I got teased and pushed around, literally, by a long time best friend, for so many things that were not my subject to really get into.

It's unhealthy, because still to this day, I feel so weak, but a burning anger, to wanting to cry builds up. Even sharing a post is hard when you know it's personal, but everyone sees different. I'm only one person, speaking out, to many who could actually relate.

It makes no sense.
No tears...(telling myself).

If I could do my posts, as a three piece as you do for PEE (POINT, EVIDENCE + EXPLAIN) in English, I would love too, (with an image(s)). Them were the days.
So, I have no point for this blog, but as I say, more of a documentation to look back on. I really want to feel free with what I post, although I still feel like I'm not doing enough. It's so bad.

I want to share my history, with encouragement for anyone who reads my blog.
- For the past days I've been writing in my diary
- for the past days, I've been writing topics in my writing book

These things have helped to get my frustrations out of me, or anything I've done in the day to look back on it. I keep saying "I've done nothing". Well, writing what I have done, proves I've done something.

One day, I'll plan to showcase what I write, or do. At this time, it is late. I get called the "Night Owl", and that's pretty fine.

- If you have any ideas on how I could share my writing, then feel free to comment.
Lesson I've Learnt:
- Never have negative energy around you. It could haunt you so much in life. I'm no longer friends them, but they're not my enemy either.
- the "trick" is to forgive, whether religious or not. It allows you to live your life away from grudges, anger and allows happiness, if you understand what I mean. I'm more happier, to not be around negative people and things.

Take care for now.
Thank you if you've read this.


Fully Read? Comment:
"You're Making Me Crazy"

Crazy, by [Artist] + Cee lo Green

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Lifestyle: Blog Design

Created with: PicsArt, featuring monster avatar, avatar creator, pumpkins design, avatar maker, past blog post design (cant see myself) and a autumn/wimtet design using PaintJoy

- see the changes of this blog, for a few minutes. Sunday fun, hopefully. Hi, and welcome to the sanity. Refresh! :) [SKILL OVER - one added image, sorry]

* posted, than corrected

* changing the blog design, would love to change it, original idea was each month, but me and digital still don't agree to this day. Tut.

So, Halloween is over and back to the normal blog design DRIBBLE. I would have liked to do a new colour for this month.
I had red, but now I saw how awful it looks (from feedback).

* to change it, I would make it lightly red, like berry red, faded.

Side Note:
Like I said in my note above, me and digital things, are not friends anymore. This makes me angry and frustrated, just like earlier this morning.

* On the other side, I care for the world, yeah, humanity. I don't understand how there's so much tech each year, and someone still doesn't have decent living. Even I'm seeing more "rich people" having issues with their lifestyle. Welcome to the real world as they say. (Whatever that means).

1. Rich people, I class them as having their big house and what not. I'm glad there's some that don't showcase as "rich" anymore. I would say their mind is sensible.

2. I say "whatever that means", I do understand what it means, but everyone can make so much of a change for everyone. And I'm in my twenties, and I knew this from like 6yrs old, so yeah, it's pretty hard to understand how things go down, instead of up.
All I can say, is be wise with what you have.

Let's not go into the "real things" that can change people's lives. *rolls eyes*.
It's a Sunday, try and chill.

I could have a story, that I'm fed up, but I'd rather be happy and enjoy the time I have. Hopefully changing peoples thoughts ways, etc. too. Impossible I know, but there's history.

* Let alone, my birthday is in 4 days, woop-te-do *dark enthusiasm*.
I'm going to dislike it, not by one year older, but things are stopping me from enjoying my time, this time. So, let's see it as Bonfire Night instead.

Apparently in the UK, Guy Fawkes got tortured because he was going to destroy parliament, while the king was there (so much for history lessons, need a brush up).
He wasn't alone, but they tortured him, to show others to fear and not do it.
Wish they taught that every year, but I guess teachers forget sometimes, not going to argue.

I honestly don't see the point in going after such little people, than just changing your own life. But that's me.

Not saying I don't feel "great" with my life, but I don't want a bunch of people, just make me miserable to live. Write a letter, and they'll throw it away, I couldn't care less.

Main Topic (Again):
Anyway, I don't know how blog design, got into talking about misery.
I'm not happy with using the same template, and design, I like changes here and there. However, it lets me focus more on blogging (which from this, is nothing).

The design side was expressing my creativity, sparking it up a little. Otherwise, I wouldn't talk about it, when I just want to document everything.

- if this was a nice enough world, do you reckon we would have to worry about fraudsters, and just dribble?

I'm off this - blog post.

I do hope you're enjoying this sort of design. I didn't include the background for some weeks, due to browsers, and such, not having a constant background on what it should have looked like.

- circles, and faded white main body blog post, background. Silly platforms.
I told you, me and digital stuff are not friends.

Take care,

Lifestyle: My Life Has Been Revolved Around Social Media...

...ever since I was at high school, we got introduced to the internet, plus ICT (Information Computing Technology, now just 'IT').

We used what we could, and we were limited to things (for our own good, thank the lord). But from this day, it is still seen, or even "pressured" by something you should do.

* I quote "pressured", because some people may not realise they do this, or do it anyway. If you know your own mind, you may see this as a hassle. No offence.
- Lesson for the day: feel fit and free in your own world, and mind.

For myself, I didn't know what social media was for, however, when I was ready to get involved, still to this day, I do it.
I only do it if:
1. For fun
2. If I'm stratified with what it can offer
3. If it supports my work more, ex. showcasing, providing inspiration, etc.

And that's what this post has come to today. This post on buzzfeed:
- InstAddiction: [link]

I could cry, or really feel for this person, the author. Feeling like you're suppose to post, comparing yourself to others, and not even getting a like on a post, etc.
Exceptance...? Online...? No.
It comes from your inner self for exceptance first. If others agree with you, then that's great.

It may be true on everyone's social media that they would like to get noticed, and for some, it is their job. It's not bad.
All I see, and thank goodness to say a YouTuber or youtubers (for example), do other things offline.
It shouldn't be seen as neccassary, just for your own, to do things.

From YouTube to offline, you, and if I could too, would showcase my work, or what I do, to others who are willing to support you, or would like to get to know you.
It could be a safe haven online, but you'll need a bigger audience if you WANT to get noticed.

This should be another story, although, before I started to think about blogging again, I passed/said ideas to people I knew.
To my surprise they lit up, and said, "are these all real, are you doing this now?". I said no, that look of disappointment, or just willing for me to have it now, was more nicely-dishearted.
1. For them liking it, and 2. That they wanted it to be real. They supported to see it in real life.

And here I am again.

I was nervous really, to put it as public for the first time (my blog).
I looked at other blogs, and was fearing of comments (the spam is real right now, never mind for now, one day to allow it to stop). And, I'm pretty happy for getting started.

Great I have views, and people who like or comment on my posts.
The greater thing is hopefully leaving a history for myself. Just from ME.

I love my work, personal work (designing, I'm still unemployed, no worries). I love blogging, and I love people who feel free to have the time to support me.

It feels like I'm putting something on the internet, and sharing as a relief for myself than having to do it. I tell you, if I could schedule right now and plan things again, I would.

I do more writing, but gradually I'm getting to share things I'm passionate about. It may not seem right to others right now, but I've always wanted to showcase my work somehow.

I hope this is the end to this post, because I want to stop. Lolls.

Take care for now.
Don't let social media overrule you, let social media be a guide, for finding your inner self. It's easy to lose yourself online.
